Our prices for your hotel internship

In comparison to other agencies, S-W-E-P offers the organization of your hotel internship for a very low price!
The price for the organization of your hotel internship consists of the down payment and the rest amount of the organization fee.
The down payment becomes due by sending us your registration form and the rest amount of the organization fee will become due after we have sent you the confirmation of the hotel and you confirmed the practical placement.
Why should you do a hotel internship with us?
We offer you personalized matching, support and guidance during every step of your way and the best opportunities in the hotel industry. All of this for the lowest price you can find. Still unsure? Read more about feedback from our interns: here

Our prices for your hotel internship
In comparison to other agencies, S-W-E-P offers the organization of your hotel internship for a very low price!
The price for the organization of your hotel internship consists of the down payment and the rest amount of the organization fee. The down payment becomes due by sending us your registration form and the rest amount of the organization fee will become due after we have sent you the confirmation of the hotel and you confirmed the practical placement.
Why should you do a hotel internship with us?
We offer you personalized matching, support and guidance during every step of your way and the best opportunities in the hotel industry. All of this for the lowest price you can find. Still unsure? Read more about feedback from our interns: here